Birthdays that last on the web: programmed messages that excite

In the digital age we live in, Technology offers us numerous tools to communicate with our loved ones. One of them is the possibility of scheduling messages on social networks or instant messaging applications so that they are sent on a specific date., for example, someone special's birthday.

This allows us not only to remember the birthdays of our friends and family, but also send them a personalized message that makes them feel special and loved. Besides, These scheduled congratulations can last on the web, becoming an exciting memory that we can revisit in the future.

In this article, We will talk about the importance of scheduled congratulations in the digital age, and how we can use this tool to keep our personal relationships close and emotional, even through the screen. We will discover how technology can be an ally to express our feelings and make a birthday unforgettable.

Learn to schedule birthday greetings on WhatsApp in a simple way

Birthdays are a special occasion to celebrate and show our affection to the person who has the birthday.. In the digital age, congratulations on WhatsApp have become very popular, but what happens if we cannot be available at the exact time of the birthday? The solution is to schedule our congratulations so that they arrive at the exact moment and excite the person on their special day..

Learning to schedule birthday greetings on WhatsApp is easier than it seems. First of all, We need to have a tool that allows us to schedule messages like Hootsuite or Later. Once we have the tool, We must create a message that includes our congratulations and the details of the birthday.

It is important to keep in mind that the congratulations must be personalized and emotional.. We can include photos or videos that remember special moments with the birthday person, or simply a message that expresses our love and good wishes.

To schedule our message, We must select the exact date and time in which we want it to be sent. It is advisable to schedule it well in advance to ensure that it arrives at the exact time of the birthday.

Once we have scheduled our message, We can rest assured that our congratulations will arrive on time and will thrill the person who receives it.. We can even use this technique to surprise a friend or family member who is far from us on their birthday!!

With a scheduling tool and a personalized message, we can ensure that our congratulations arrive on time and last on the web as an emotional memory for the person who receives it. Dare to try it and surprise your loved ones on their birthday!!

Complete guide: How to schedule automatic messages on your preferred platform

Birthdays are a special moment for anyone, and in the digital age, Congratulatory messages are a way to show affection and affection through the web. But, What happens when we cannot be present on that important day?? For it, there is a solution: schedule automatic messages to arrive at the right time.

In this article, We will teach you how to schedule automatic messages on your favorite platform, so you can surprise your friends and loved ones on their birthday, anniversary or any other special date.

Why schedule automatic messages?

The answer is simple: because birthdays and other special dates cannot be forgotten. Sometimes, as much as we want to be present, distance or obligations prevent us from doing so. That's why, Having a tool that allows us to schedule automatic messages is an excellent option to show our love and support.

On which platforms can I schedule automatic messages??

Most email and social media platforms allow you to schedule automatic messages. For example, Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo Mail have this option. Regarding social networks, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram also allow you to schedule posts and private messages.

Steps to schedule automatic messages

Next, We show you the steps to schedule automatic messages on some of the most popular platforms:


  1. Open your Gmail account and compose the message you want to send.
  2. Click the down arrow icon next to the submit button.
  3. Select the option “Schedule shipping”.
  4. Choose the date and time you want the message to be sent and click “Schedule shipping”.


  1. Open your Facebook account and write the message you want to send.
  2. Click the button “Program” located below the text box.
  3. Choose the date and time you want the message to be published and click “Program”.


  1. Open your Twitter account and write the message you want to send.
  2. Click the calendar icon below the text box.
  3. Choose the date and time you want the message to be published and click “Program”.

With these simple steps, you can schedule automatic messages and surprise your loved ones on their birthday or other special dates. There is no excuse for not being present at important moments..

Practical guide to sending the perfect happy birthday message: tips and examples

Una de las maneras más sencillas de mantener una relación cercana y duradera con amigos, familiares y seres queridos es recordar sus cumpleaños y enviarles un mensaje especial. But, ¿cómo hacer que tu mensaje de feliz cumpleaños sea el perfecto? Aquí te dejamos algunos consejos y ejemplos para que puedas expresar tus sentimientos de una manera inolvidable.

Consejos para enviar un mensaje de feliz cumpleaños perfecto

  • Personaliza tu mensaje: En lugar de enviar un mensaje genérico, take the time to personalize your message with details and anecdotes that are meaningful to the person celebrating their birthday.
  • Creative self: Use your creativity to make your message unique and special. You can add photos, videos or even create a poem or song for the person.
  • Express your feelings: Don't be afraid to express your feelings and emotions in your message. Let the person know how important they are to you and how much you value them in your life..
  • Be specific: Instead of sending a general message, menciona algunos de los logros y hitos que la persona ha alcanzado en el último año. Esto hará que tu mensaje sea más personal y significativo.
  • Envía tu mensaje a tiempo: Asegúrate de enviar tu mensaje a tiempo, preferiblemente el día de su cumpleaños. Si no puedes estar presente, puedes programar tu mensaje con anticipación para asegurarte de que la persona reciba tu mensaje en su día especial.

Ejemplos de mensajes de feliz cumpleaños perfectos

Next, We present you some examples of happy birthday messages that you can personalize to make them unique and meaningful for the person celebrating their birthday.:

  • For a close friend: Happy birthday to my closest friend. I hope this year brings you everything you want and more.. Thank you for always being there for me and making my life more joyful and exciting.. Celebrate big today!
  • For a family member: Happy birthday to my dear [insert the name of the family member]. You are an amazing person and you have always been a source of inspiration to me.. I hope this new year is full of love, happiness and success. Have a wonderful day with your loved ones!!
  • For a co-worker: Happy birthday to my most amazing coworker.. Thank you for making work more fun and for being such a kind and generous person.. I hope this new year is full of opportunities and success for you.. Celebrate big and have a lot of fun today!!

Remember, enviar un mensaje de feliz cumpleaños perfecto no tiene que ser difícil ni complicado. With a little creativity and effort, puedes hacer que el día de alguien sea más especial y memorable. Happy Birthday!

Descubre cómo programar mensajes en WhatsApp web: Step by step guide

Si eres de aquellos que no quiere olvidar la fecha de cumpleaños de tus amigos o familiares y quieres enviarles un mensaje especial en ese día tan especial, ¡no te preocupes! Con WhatsApp web, puedes programar mensajes para que se envíen automáticamente en el momento que desees.

To start, you must have a WhatsApp account and access the web version. Once inside, follow these simple steps:

1. Open the conversation of the person you want to send a scheduled message to.
2. Write the message you want to send.
3. Press the key “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “I” en Windows o “Cmd” + “Option” + “I” on Mac to open the developer console.
4. Select the tab “Console” and paste the following code: var now = new Date().getTime(); var message = “Write your message here.”; setTimeout(function() {document.querySelector(“._1Plpp > div > div > div > div.copyable-text > div”).innerHTML = mensaje; document.querySelector(‘._35EW6 > div > div > button’).click(); }, (fechaahora));
5. Modifica el mensaje que deseas enviar en la línea “var message = “Write your message here.” y establece la fecha en la que deseas que se envíe el mensaje en la línea “(fechaahora)”.
6. Press “Enter para ejecutar el código y programar el mensaje.

List! Now, tu mensaje se enviará automáticamente en la fecha y hora especificadas. This way, podrás sorprender a tus seres queridos en su cumpleaños y hacerles sentir que te acuerdas de ellos.

Remember that, una vez programado el mensaje, you will not be able to modify or cancel it. Besides, It is important to keep in mind that the web version of WhatsApp must always be open and connected to the internet for the message to be sent correctly..

Don't wait any longer and start scheduling your birthday messages right now!!
Definitely, Technology gives us the possibility of keeping memories alive and showing our affection in ways unimaginable a few years ago.. Scheduling birthday messages is just one example of this.. There is no longer the excuse of forgetting an important date or not being able to congratulate someone at the right moment.. The web has become our ally to keep the flame of friendship and love alive.. So, Don't hesitate to schedule a message for that loved one who is far away or simply to surprise someone on their special day.. The birthdays that last on the web are a sign that love has no borders!!
Birthdays that live on the web are an exciting way to send a message to someone special on their special day.. With personalized message scheduling, you can ensure that the congratulations arrive at the exact moment and in the most meaningful way possible. Whether it's a simple e-card or a personalized video, Online birthdays are a modern and effective way to make someone feel special and loved. Happy birthday to all lovers of technology and excitement!!