eternal connections: scheduled messages that unite souls

“eternal connections: scheduled messages that unite souls” It is a book that invites us to explore the idea that relationships between people are not casual., but they are predestined and programmed from before birth. On these pages, The author takes us through a deep reflection on the purpose of our relationships and how they can be used as tools for our spiritual and personal growth..

In this book, The author presents us with a series of stories and testimonies from people who have experienced deep and meaningful connections with other people., whether in the form of friendship, love or even as strangers who cross paths. Through these experiences, the author shows us how these connections can be a source of healing, learning and transformation.

“eternal connections” is not just a book for those seeking to understand the purpose of their relationships, but also for those who wish to deepen their self-knowledge and personal growth. With its spiritual and practical approach, This book invites us to reflect on our own relationships and discover the transformative potential they can have in our lives..

Discover the 10 symptoms of spiritual awakening: How to recognize if you are experiencing a spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening is a process that many experience at some point in their lives.. This process can be triggered by various situations, like a personal crisis, a mystical experience or simply an internal search for meaning and purpose.

If you are experiencing a spiritual awakening, You may feel certain symptoms that may be disconcerting at first. Here we present the 10 symptoms of spiritual awakening that you should know:

1. Feeling of disconnection from everyday reality

You may feel that the life you have been leading until now no longer fulfills you and that you are looking for something deeper and more meaningful..

2. Greater emotional sensitivity

You may feel more vulnerable and emotionally sensitive. Emotions can be intense and varied, from sadness and depression to joy and ecstasy.

3. Changes in sleep patterns

You may experience insomnia or intense, vivid dreams. You may also feel more tired than usual.

4. Increased intuition

You may have a greater capacity to feel and perceive things that you did not notice before..

5. Feeling of connection to something bigger

You can feel that there is something bigger than you and that you are connected to it.

6. Changes in diet and lifestyle

You may feel the need to change your diet and lifestyle to be more in tune with your body and spirit..

7. Increased interest in spirituality

You may feel the need to explore spirituality and spiritual practices.

8. Sense of purpose and direction

You can feel that you have a purpose in life and that you are on the right path to fulfill it.

9. Greater ability to love and understand others

You may feel that you have a greater capacity to love and understand others, even those that you previously found difficult to understand.

10. Changes in time perception

You can feel that time seems to pass differently, slower or faster than usual.

If you are experiencing some or all of these symptoms, You may be in the middle of a spiritual awakening process.. This process can be disconcerting at first, but it can also be an opportunity to grow and develop on a spiritual level..

Remember that each person experiences spiritual awakening in a unique and personal way., so it is important that you follow your own path and do what you feel is right for you.

The symptoms mentioned above are just a guide to recognize if you are experiencing a spiritual awakening.. If you feel that this process is happening in you, Enjoy it and allow yourself to grow and learn through it!!

Discover the true nature of entities in the spiritual world

In the spiritual world, Entities are beings that are not limited by physics or time.. These beings could be angels, spiritual guides, beings of light or even people who have died.

To understand the true nature of entities in the spiritual world, It is important to understand that they are pure energy and that their connection with us is eternal.. The messages we receive from them are programmed and help us understand our life and purpose in this world..

The eternal connections we have with these entities are very powerful and can help us find inner peace., the healing and guidance we need in our lives.

It is important to remember that these entities are not something we can physically see or touch., but his presence is always present in our lives. Sometimes we feel alone, but they are there to support us and guide us on our path.

To connect with entities in the spiritual world, It is important to be in a state of meditation and be open to receive its messages. Meditation helps us calm our mind and be in tune with our inner being..

Through the eternal connection we have with them, we can find the guidance and support we need in our lives.

Definitely, eternal connections are an example of the technology that helps us connect with our loved ones, even after his departure. These programmed messages that unite souls allow us to express our feelings, thoughts and memories towards the people we love, and keep his legacy alive. In a constantly changing world, These tools give us the opportunity to keep alive the affective and emotional ties that unite us with those who have left this world., and help us remember them with love and gratitude.
In conclusion, Eternal Connections is a work that invites us to reflect on the existence of a bond that goes beyond the physical., an invisible bond that unites souls across time and space. Scheduled messages are a tool to access this connection and discover the truth behind it. Definitely, This book teaches us that life is not just materiality, But there is something deeper and more spiritual that unites us all.. An inspiring and enriching read for those who seek answers beyond the obvious.