Visual surprises: scheduled messages with memorable photos

In these modern times, Technology allows us to send messages quickly, easy and efficient, but many times these messages lack emotion and personality. That is why more and more people are looking for creative alternatives to convey their thoughts and feelings through photography..

It is in this context that visual surprises have gained popularity. The idea is simple but effective: send an image accompanied by a scheduled message, with the aim of surprising the recipient and creating a lasting memory.

In this article, We will talk about visual surprises and how they can be used to transmit emotions and feelings. Besides, We will present some creative ideas to surprise your loved ones with messages programmed with memorable photos. Do not miss it!

How to schedule sending messages at the perfect time: Step by step tutorial

If you want to surprise someone with a message at the perfect moment, scheduling your shipment can be an excellent option. In this tutorial, we will teach you how to do it step by step.

Paso 1: The first thing you should do is choose the platform you are going to use to schedule the sending of your message. There are various options on the market, but some of the most popular are Hootsuite, Buffer y Later.

Paso 2: Once you have chosen the platform, You must create an account and link it with the social networks or media that you want to use to send your message. For example, if you want to send a message by email, you must link your email account with the platform.

Paso 3: Now, you must create the message you want to send. It can be a text, an image, a video, or a combination of all of them. The important thing is that it is memorable and that it is related to the reason why you are sending the message.

Paso 4: Once you have created the message, You must choose the date and time you want it to be sent. In this step, It is important that you take into account the recipient's time zone to ensure that the message arrives at the right time.

Paso 5: Finally, you will have to schedule the sending of the message and wait for the perfect moment to arrive. If you have followed all the steps correctly, your message will arrive at the right time and will have a positive impact on the recipient.

Following these steps, you will be able to create a memorable message and send it at the perfect time to have a positive impact on those who receive it. Try this technique and surprise your friends and family with messages programmed with memorable photos!!

Step by step guide: How to send an automatic message on WhatsApp easily

Scheduled messages are a great way to surprise your friends and loved ones with memorable content. If you are a frequent user of WhatsApp, You will know that there is no built-in option to schedule messages in the app. However, Is there a solution for this. In this article, we will show you how to send an automatic message on WhatsApp easily.

Paso 1: Download a message scheduling app

To schedule messages on WhatsApp, you will need to download a message scheduling app. There are several apps available on the iOS and Android app stores., but one of the most popular options is SKED.

Once you have downloaded the app, Sign in with your email or social media account. Then, Follow the steps to link your WhatsApp account to the application.

Paso 2: Create a message and attach a memorable photo

Once you have linked your WhatsApp account to SKEDit, It's time to create your scheduled message. Write the message you want to send and attach a memorable photo to surprise your friends and family.

To attach a photo, click the button “Attach” and select the photo you want to use. The photo must be saved in your photo gallery.

Paso 3: Select the date and time of the scheduled message

After creating your message and attaching the photo, It's time to select the date and time you want the scheduled message to be sent. Click the button “Program” and select the appropriate date and time.

Please note that you must leave the SKEDit app open in the background for the message to be sent correctly.

Paso 4: Review and confirm

Before sending the scheduled message, be sure to carefully review the content of the message and the date and time of sending. Once you are sure everything is correct, click the button “Confirm” to schedule the message.

Complete guide: How to schedule sending messages via WhatsApp on iPhone

In the digital age we live in, visual surprises are a great way to stay connected to our loved ones, especially when we cannot be physically present. One of the most popular ways to do this is by sending scheduled messages with memorable photos.. In this article, We will present you a complete guide on how to schedule sending messages via WhatsApp on iPhone.

Paso 1: Download the application “Shortcuts”

To schedule sending messages via WhatsApp on iPhone, you will need to download the app “Shortcuts” from the App Store. This application will allow you to create custom shortcuts that will help you automate tasks on your iPhone.

Paso 2: Create a custom shortcut

Once you have downloaded the app “Shortcuts”, You can create a custom shortcut to schedule messages to be sent via WhatsApp. To do it, follow the next steps:

  1. Open the application “Shortcuts” and click the button “+” to create a new shortcut.
  2. Choose “Actions” and look for the action “Send WhatsApp message”.
  3. Enter the recipient's phone number and the message you want to send.
  4. Set the date and time you want the message to be sent.
  5. Add a memorable photo that you want to send along with the message.
  6. Save the shortcut and be sure to give it a name you can easily remember.

Paso 3: Schedule the sending of your message

Once you've created your custom shortcut, you can schedule the sending of your message on the date and time you have configured. To do it, follow the next steps:

  1. Open the application “Shortcuts” and look for the shortcut you created.
  2. Click the button “Execute” and make sure the date and time are correct.
  3. Confirm sending the message and wait for it to be sent automatically on the date and time you have scheduled.

How to schedule sending a message on iPhone: step by step guide

If you want to surprise someone with a special message on their iPhone, you can schedule the sending of that message for a certain time. This way you can ensure that the recipient receives your message at a specific time, for example on your birthday or on an anniversary.

To schedule a message to be sent on iPhone, follow these Steps:

  1. Open the application “Messages” on your iPhone.
  2. Write the message you want to send and add any images or files you want to include.
  3. Press and hold the button “To send” until the option appears “Schedule message”.
  4. Select the date and time you want the message to be sent.
  5. Press “Made” to schedule the message.
  6. Check the confirmation at the bottom of the screen indicating that the message has been programmed successfully.

Once you have scheduled the message, will be saved in the app's outbox “Messages” until it is automatically sent on the specified date and time.

Remember that to schedule the sending of a message on iPhone, you need to have the latest version of the operating system and this feature may not be available in some older versions.

With this simple process, you can program visual surprises with memorable messages and photos on iPhones. Surprise your friends and family with the magic of technology!

Definitely, Visual surprises are a powerful tool to convey messages in an impactful and memorable way. Whether in the advertising field, educational or personal, The use of unexpected images can capture the attention of the recipient and ensure that the message remains engraved in their memory for a long time.. Besides, with the advancement of technology and social networks, The possibilities for creating and sharing visual surprises are endless.. So, Dare to experiment and surprise with memorable photos!
Definitely, Visual surprises are a very effective tool to transmit messages in a creative and memorable way. Whether to announce an event, congratulate someone or simply surprise your followers on social networks, scheduled photos can be an excellent option. Besides, with the digital tools available today, It is easy to design and schedule these images so that they appear at the right time and in the right place. So don't hesitate to experiment with this technique and see how you can surprise your audience with shocking and effective visual surprises..